8.4.2007 | 18:57
Mitt Romney og hin ævilanga veiðiástríða hans...
Skondin frétt af mormónanum og forsetaframbjóðanda Repúblíkanaflokksinns. Romney hefur digurbarkalega rætt um ævilanga ástríðu sína tengda skotveiðum. Sennilega er þetta eitthvað sem á að höfða til skotglaðra Repúblíkana og NRA meðlima.
I purchased a gun when I was a young man. I've been a hunter pretty much all my life," he said this week in Keene, N.H., to a man sporting a National Rifle Association cap.
Eitthvað hefur þessi hólkurinn nú snúist í höndum Romney en upp hefur komist að Romney sótti aldrei um veiðileyfi í þeim fylkjum sem hann bjó í.
Officials in the four states where Mitt Romney has lived say the Republican presidential contender, who calls himself a lifelong hunter, never took out a license.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is taking a second shot at describing his hunting experience.
The former Massachusetts governor has called himself a lifelong hunter, yet his campaign acknowledged that he has been on just two hunting trips - one when he was 15 and the other just last year.
Campaigning in Indianapolis on Thursday, Romney said he has hunted small game since his youth.
"I'm not a big-game hunter. I've made that very clear," he said. "I've always been a rodent and rabbit hunter. Small varmints, if you will. I began when I was 15 or so and I have hunted those kinds of varmints since then. More than two times."
He joined the National Rifle Association last August as a "Lifetime" member.
Svo stórveiðimaðurinn Romney hefur aðallega fengist við að murka lífið úr nagdýrum og öðru meindýrasmælki...
Eitthvað er hann nú að reyna að útskýra þetta fyrir fólki en ekki veit ég hversu trúverðuglega það hljómar...
Annars er afstaða Romney til byssueignar nokkuð sérkennileg þar sem hann hefur bæði verið með og á móti (það er reyndar ekki eina skiptið sem hann virðist sveiflast til). Það verður þó að telja honum til tekna að hafa viljað takmarka eign manna á morðtólum (e. assault rifles) og skýtur það þó skökku við að vera meðlimur í NRA.
Campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom said Wednesday that Romney wasn't trying to mislead anyone, and he promoted Romney's support of gun-ownership rights.
Romney has also supported gun control. When he ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 1994 he backed the Brady law and a ban on assault-style rifles. As governor, he supported the state's strict gun-control laws and signed into law one of the nation's tougher assault weapons laws.
Romney has been criticized for changing positions on issues such as abortion and gay rights during his campaign for the Republican nomination for president. Although he once supported strict gun control measures, he has spoken in favor of gun ownership rights while on the campaign trail and joined the National Rifle Association as a "Lifetime" member last year.
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